Best IT jobs for introverts

If you’re an introvert, you probably enjoyed the COVID 19 lockdown. Work from home. No one to interfere with your work style and schedule. Zoom time instead of face time. But now it seems we’ve learned to live with COVID and employers expect workers to be back in the office. What’s an IT introvert to do?

Try one of these 10 jobs. They’ve been labeled the best jobs for introverts.

  1. App Developer
  2. Cloud Engineer
  3. Computer and information research scientist
  4. Computer network architect
  5. Content marketing manager
  6. Graphic designer
  7. Hardware engineer
  8. Information security analyst
  9. Software engineer
  10. Web developer

As a rule, these jobs allow remote work, digital collaboration, and levels of independence that appeal to introverts. So until the next pandemic comes along, it looks like introverts will have to choose their jobs with an eye to capitalizing on their strengths while avoiding the crowd at the water cooler.