Hate going to the office? Want a job that lets you work from home dressed in your skivvies? Or from your car? Or sitting in a cafe, sipping a triple mocha latte with extra fat?
There are jobs for you.
A recent analysis of job data from the U.S. Census resulted in this list of careers with the fastest gains in telecommuting.
1. Records Clerks. (5.5 percent work remotely, up 516 percent from 2003.)
2. Insurance underwriters. (4.5 percent work remotely, up 275 percent.)
3. Lawyers. (2 percent work remotely, up 166 percent.)
4. Software developers. (6.1 percent work remotely, up 127 percent.)
Those of us in IT are proud to say that we still top the list in percentage points, if not in recent gains. Maybe the rest of the working world is beginning to understand what programmers have known all along: meetings are a waste of time!