Congress considers AI and the future of work

How will Artificial Intelligence affect our jobs in the future? That’s the question explored last month in a hearing  held by the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology.

In her opening statement, Haley Stevens (D-MI) Chairwoman of the Subcommittee on Research and Technology emphasized the importance of understanding what jobs are lost, what new jobs are created, and how current jobs might change as a result of AI.

Haley commented, “We are holding this hearing to discuss what we do know, but the fact is there is a lot we still do not know. As AI-powered robots become more common, how do we ensure worker safety alongside these robots? Will artificial intelligence be routinely used to monitor workers, as some companies do today? How do we balance privacy rights with the potential productivity benefits and worker benefits these analyses could provide? How can we keep this data secure and prevent its malicious use? And finally, how do we get a better understanding of the macroeconomics and labor outlook so that the government, companies, colleges and universities, and workers can all plan for the transition? These are just some of the many questions researchers are pursuing.”

Hearing witnesses included:

  • Arthur Lupia, Assistant Director, Directorate for Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences, National Science Foundation
  • Erik Brynjolfsson, Schussel Family Professor of Management Science and Director, The MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Rebekah Kowalski, Vice President, Manufacturing Services, ManpowerGroup
  • Sue Ellspermann, President, Ivy Tech Community College

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Witnesses discussed the work of the National Science Foundation, the transformative nature of AI, the need for government regulation, funding for AI research, and educational  goals for AI.