As expected, last week the FCC approved the policy known as Net Neutrality. The 3-2 vote gives the FCC authority to treat Internet service providers as carriers under Title II of the Telecommunications Act, which regulates services as public utilities.
FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler commented that the policy will ensure “that no one — whether government or corporate — should control free open access to the Internet.”
Republicans Michael O’Rielly and Ajut Pai cast the dissenting votes, arguing that the FCC was overstepping its authority.
In case you’re one of the handful of people who hasn’t heard about the issue, net neutrality is defined by Wikipedia as “the principle that Internet service providers and governments should treat all data on the Internet equally, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, site, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or mode of communication.”
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Opponents of net neutrality warn that it will stifle innovation and discourage investment in broadband infrastructure. And, they say, the FCC ruling sets the stage for further unwanted and dangerous government control of the Internet.
Proponents argue that net neutrality is important for the preservation of current internet freedoms. It is net neutrality, they say, which has allowed the development of the online services we all take for granted. And golly, without net neutrality, you’re bound to pay more for Netflix!
While the FCC has spoken, the issue is far from over. Just take a few minutes – or hours or days – to Google the issue and you will see how contentious it remains. For now, net neutrality seems to be protected. But the ultimate implications of the FCC ruling await the sweet passage of time.