Observing Capitol Hill is rather like watching a soap opera. No matter how many times they kill off a character, you know he’ll come back eventually. And just like your favorite soap character who seems to be really dead this time (after all, he was pushed in front of a speeding commuter train), Net Neutrality is alive and kicking once again.
Okay, maybe not totally alive yet, but the Dems have the paddles out and resuscitation is a definite possibility thanks to the Save the Internet Act (H.R.1644), which was introduced in the House last month by Rep. Mike Doyle (D- PA). The bill has 132 original cosponsors.
In his press release announcing the bill, Rep. Doyle said, “Americans overwhelmingly support the restoration of net neutrality protections that would ensure the Internet remains an open platform for innovation and competition.” Indeed, polling data show that more than 80 percent of Americans support Net Neutrality.
“The Save the Internet Act would ‘repeal the repeal’ and codify the FCC’s Open Internet Order as a new free-standing section of law. By enacting this legislation restoring the 2015 Net Neutrality rules, the Save the Internet Act would once again prohibit the abusive practices Internet Service Providers engaged in time and time again before the 2015 Open Internet Order was issued,” Doyle said.
Internet freedom has been a contentious issue for a number of years. Large communications companies want an Internet that allows them to charge different rates for different service and speeds. Many of the high tech companies such as Facebook, Google, and Amazon.com favor an Internet in which the federal government guarantees that everyone using the Internet is treated in the same way.
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Under the Obama administration, Congress passed the Open Internet Order, which guaranteed that consumers had the right to access the content of their choice on the Internet, and content providers had the right to access consumers without having to pay tolls or have their service blocked or degraded by an ISP. The Open Internet Order prohibited Internet Service Providers from using their position between consumers and the Internet to provide preferential treatment for a fee.
The Trump FCC under Chairman Ajit Pai voted in 2017 to kill the Open Internet Order.
With the Democrats in charge of the House, there’s a good chance the ‘Save the Internet Act’ will pass. Whether it passes or is even allowed to be considered in the Republican-dominated Senate is far from certain.
Let your voice be heard. Contact your Senators and Congressional Representatives and tell them how you feel about a free and open Internet.