The days dwindle down

It’s been a long year. Ask anyone in Congress. The debacles of 2013, not least of which is the Federal Health Care website and the fallout from the Affordable Care Act, has legislators on both sides of the aisle looking forward to the long Christmas break. But what about the rest of us?

Most of us can’t simply take a break from the effects of our government’s actions. The shut-down, the sequester, the wage freezes, and now the explosion of health insurances costs have left most Americans reeling, wondering what 2014 will bring, wondering what Congress will do to us next.

While most of us feel pretty helpless in the face of implacable bureaucracy, there are some things we can do to get involved with public policy. First, we need to educate ourselves. One way to do that is regularly visit government websites. Okay, okay, we know that any website constructed and maintained by the federal government can be a little, um, shall we say problematic? Nevertheless, these sites are a good launching point for learning more about our government in action.

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For those of us in IT, the second most useful site is, the website of the U.S. Chief Information Officer and the Federal CIO Council.  This website serves as “a central resource for information on Federal information technology (IT). By showcasing examples of innovation, identifying best practices, and providing a forum for Federal IT leaders, keeps the public informed about how our Government is working to close the technology gap between the private and public sectors.”

So stay informed in 2014 and stay active. Congress does listen. And your voice is important.