Net Neutrality: It’s your turn to speak up

The FCC has spoken on Net Neutrality. Now it’s your turn.

Okay, let’s back up a little. What exactly did the FCC say? It’s complicated. (It is government, after all.) Basically, the FCC has advanced a “net neutrality” proposal that would ban Internet providers from blocking or slowing down access to websites. But the proposal also allows providers to charge content companies for faster and more reliable delivery of their traffic to users.

Sounds like the FCC is trying to have it both ways. Or maybe the commission is trying to see how many people it can annoy.  You can read all 99 pages of the ruling here and make your own determination. Don’t want to wade through all the government-ese? Check out the FCC Net Neutrality Fact Sheet.

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You’ve got until September 10 to submit your comments to the docket. The site also has links to comments submitted by other concerned citizens.

After the comment period closes, The FCC will review the comments and use them to make any adjustments to its proposal deemed appropriate. After that, the FCC will hold an open meeting and conduct an official vote. The final decision should be reached by the end of the year.