Beyond Facebook

A cursory examination of today’s technological climate would lead one to believe that the greatest achievements in recent years are improved methods for sifting through mountains of data from Wal-Mart or creating a better Facebook experience.  Believe it or not, technology once offered us so much more. And it can again.

We’re talking about human space exploration. The stuff of Star Trek and the Mercury 7. Gemini astronauts and moon walks and missions to Mars. Edge-of-your-seat rocket launches that suspend regular classroom activities and keep you glued to the school intercom or TV sets. The stuff that “fuels our desire to push the boundaries of the possible and reach beyond our own pale blue dot,” says Lamar Smith, Chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology.

Recently, Lamar’s committee held a hearing titled, “Pathways to Exploration: A Review of the Future of Human Space Exploration.” Testifying at the hearing were Governor Mitch Daniels, President, Purdue University, and Dr. Jonathan Lunine, Director, Cornell University’s Center for Radiophysics and Space Research. The two men served as co-chairs of the National Research Council’s Committee on Human Spaceflight, established in response to the NASA Authorization Act of 2010. That act called on NASA to ask the National Academies to review the goals, core capabilities, and direction of our nation’s human spaceflight program.

Daniels testified that the committee, whose members represented disciplines ranging from astronomy to sociology, “came to the strong consensus that there is a convincing case to be made for a continuation of our nation’s human spaceflight program.”

In his opening remarks, Chairman Lamar noted that the NASA Authorization Act, which recently passed the House, requires a detailed plan for how NASA will land humans on Mars. The NRC committee report offers suggestions on the best way to reach that goal.

Lamar concluded, “Just as the first steps on the moon were by Americans, the first flag to fly on another planet in our solar system should be that of the United States. Great nations do great things. President Kennedy’s call to America wasn’t just about reaching the moon, it was a reminder that we are an exceptional nation. We must rekindle within NASA the fire that blazed the trail to the moon.”

Pathways to Exploration—Rationales and Approaches for a U.S. Program of Human Space Exploration has been posted online for public review. The report describes the rationales for, and value of, human spaceflight beyond low Earth orbit. To learn more about the technologies that have resulted from space exploration, visit the NASA spin-off website.